California’s System of Support would not be complete without an investment in the professional development (PD) of educators who work directly with the students we serve. In a time when educators may feel lost in a storm of competing initiatives, the California Coalition for Inclusive Literacy (CCIL) provides shelter under the umbrella of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework.In the same way that the UDL framework provides multiple options to meet the needs of a wide range of learners, the free resources developed by CCIL strive to meet the many needs of educators who, every day, must address a range of demands such as accelerating learning and nurturing the social-emotional resiliency of students. 

“Amazing. I haven’t heard UDL spoken like this ever. You truly understand the struggles we teachers feel daily. Thank you so much for what you are teaching us today.”

With empathy toward these pulls on educators’ stamina and time, CCIL provides Four Ways to Engage with inclusive literacy and UDL in thematically-linked packages every month. 

Got a Minute?

Understanding that time is an educator’s kryptonite, these flexible learning modules offer teachers, coaches, administrators, and staff with options to engage independently or collaboratively during a staff meeting or from the comfort of their home in 10-, 20-, and 45-minute increments.

Monthly Webinar Series: Universal Design for Inclusive Literacy

Literacy is an act of power and freedom. It includes making meaning from text but also encompasses the ability to critique the thinking of others and advocate for oneself. Literacy and content-area knowledge are intertwined and must be fostered in inclusive environments.

This 9-part series is especially relevant as we welcome students back to classrooms. Educators grappling with accelerating learning in the face of pronounced barriers and student variability will find this series timely and relevant. Learn how to support literacy for all students in inclusive and equitable learning environments through the lens of the UDL framework.

Top Tips!

Aligned with the monthly theme, this one-page document offers strategic support at your fingertips. Top Tips is designed to jog thinking, spark conversation, and encourage deeper learning.

Featured Resource from Learning Designed

CAST, Inc.—the creators of UDL—hosts this online community platform, which includes a curated library of more than 500 vetted resources related to universal design. Each month, CCIL highlights a high-leverage, quality resource for educators who are interested in Learning Designed, but might not have the time to peruse or navigate all the resources. Check out this month’s featured resource—The Assessment Playbook!

These supports, provided by the California Department of Education’s (CDE) $4.9M Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG), are a venture and testament to the value of those in the field supporting students. Taking the time to grow yourself is an act of self-care. As teachers nourish the love of learning in students, they must also nourish that love for themselves. We hope you find a source of support in these resources, as described by a recent PD attendee: “Amazing. I haven’t heard UDL spoken like this ever. You truly understand the struggles we teachers feel daily. Thank you so much for what you are teaching us today.”

Click here to contact or learn more about the CCIL Team.


Elise Yerkey, Implementation Specialist, CAST
