Many schools are making decisive actions to accelerate learning, improve assessments, attendance, and better engage students. In partnership with Creative Leadership Solutions, CCEE is offering a FREE, three-part synchronous series that will focus on understanding, identifying, evaluating, and applying formative assessment practices to accelerate learning. In this session, participants will: 1) learn about effective practices with the greatest impact on student achievement, 2) identify barriers to improved practices, 3) evaluate alternative practices to accelerate learning, and 4) apply the learning to their individual contexts.

In addition to the synchronous sessions, Creative Leadership Solutions Associates will be available to provide follow-up support to participants to discuss and/or support the implementation of all learning by phone, email, or video conferencing.


Dr. Douglas Reeves, Founder, Creative Leadership Solutions




The global pandemic will continue to affect schools long after schools reopen. Changes will be required in schedules, student support, faculty support, state standards, and assessments. In this session, participants will: 1) learn about the new model of change leadership, 2) identify the failures of previous change leadership models, 3) evaluate alternative leadership practices, and 4) apply the new model of change leadership to their individual contexts.

The global pandemic has left in its wake traumatized students, families, and educators and fear has been the dominant emotion. The essence of fearless schools is the building of psychologically safe environments where students and educators can learn together, make mistakes with transparency, learn from those mistakes, and engage in consistent innovation, experimentation, and learning. In this session, participants will 1) learn about the impact of psychological safety on learning and leadership, 2) identify the barriers to psychological safety and fearless schools, 3) evaluate alternative practices that lead to or detract from fearless schools, and 4) apply the learning to their individual contexts.


(781) 710-9633
Email Dr. Douglas Reeves

Resource Type

Media, Professional Learning

Type of Audience

Site Administrator / Instructional Coach, Systems Leadership, Teacher

Topic Area

Equity, LCAP


Formative Assessment