General Inquiries
CCEE Sacramento Office
1029 J Street, Suite 450
Sacramento, Ca 95814
Main line: (916) 619-7494
Email: [email protected]
Media Inquiries
Sujie Shin
Deputy Executive Director
Office: (916) 619-7492
Email: [email protected]
CA Safe Schools Survey Data Inquiries
The January 14, 2021, directive issued by the California Department of Public Health, updated by Assembly Bill 86 (March 2021), and then further clarified in Assembly Bill 130 (July 2021) required all school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and private schools to submit information about instructional programming during the pandemic. CCEE has supported the Administration and the State Board of Education in the collection and reporting of these survey data.
Per AB 130, Education Code 32091, which stipulates these requirements is inoperative as of June 30, 2022, and repealed as of January 1, 2023.
Direct Technical Assistance Request
Through CCEE’s Direct Technical Assistance (DTA), we bring targeted support to the local level. Using an integrated, highly collaborative approach, we focus on key areas, and provide whatever form of assistance is called for – from analyzing and addressing existing challenges to helping identify and develop new opportunities.