CCEE Centers

Agency Structure

The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) clarifies its organizational identity through the structure of three centers.

CCEE Centers

Based on extensive feedback from its educational partners, CCEE created the centers to better reflect the organization’s work and to make CCEE’s advice and assistance more accessible to local educational agencies across the state. 

The three centers are:

Teaching, Learning, & Leading (TLLC): This center builds capacity and support for local educational agencies (LEAs) currently receiving and in need of targeted assistance to effectively address the systemic and instructional needs of students historically underserved. 

The TLLC is designed to directly improve teaching and learning by supporting LEA leadership teams in system transformation. This center works in direct partnership with schools, districts, and county offices of education to support school improvement. 

Learn more about TLLC.

Learn more about TLLC Staff.

Instruction, Innovation, & Impact (I3): This center implements a statewide approach to improving local educational agencies’ (LEAs) capacity by collaboratively developing, delivering, sharing, and spotlighting evidence-based practices that demonstrate the power to improve outcomes.

The I3 improves statewide access to research and strategies that improve student outcomes through the support of research innovation networks and research-practice partnerships to develop and disseminate professional learning resources. This center builds capacity by linking the development and vetting of resources/learning with dissemination to increased access. 

Learn more about I3.

Learn more about I3 Staff.

Transformative Systems for Equitable Educational Outcomes (TSEE): This center facilitates the development of a shared vision for implementation of the Statewide System of Support (SSOS) that develops coordinated actions resulting in equitable educational student outcomes.

The TSEE integrates across the state, counties, and districts, to achieve a common goal of a coherent statewide system of support by supporting a shared vision, coherence, and alignment through its partnership development, collaborative convenings, and facilitation to meet the most immediate needs of the field. This center builds capacity by developing coherence and alignment of the systems across that state. 

Learn more about TSEE.

Learn more about TSEE Staff.

CCEE Operations

In coordination with its administrative agent, Marin County Office of Education, CCEE Business Operations supports requests for proposals (RFPs), research-practice partnerships (RPPs), and contract services to collaborate with external partners. The MCOE Business Services Division manages, in consultation with CCEE Business Operations, the accounting, budgeting, and auditing services of the CCEE. 

For contract-related questions, please contact Fiscal Analyst Emma Oh.

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