Transformative Systems for Equitable Educational Outcomes
The Center for Transformative Systems facilitates a common integrated vision for the Statewide System of Support for the development of coordinated, equitable, educational student outcomes.
Our Objectives
Areas of
California Coalition for Inclusive Learning (SPED EWIG)
The California Coalition for Inclusive Literacy (CCIL) works collaboratively with the Statewide System of Support to build the capacity of local educational agencies (LEAs) across the state to create, design, and deliver professional learning opportunities for teachers and paraprofessionals in literacy development.
Community Engagement Initiative (CEI)
The Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) is a five-year effort intended to strengthen the System of Support by building the capacity of school districts to authentically engage one another. This includes identifying effective models of community engagement, developing metrics to evaluate those models, having difficult conversations, building trusting relationships and participating in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) development process.
Geographic Leads
Nine geographic leads work together to support county offices (COEs) and school districts, including providing expertise to build the capacity of other COEs to effectively provide support to school districts and identifying existing resources and (if requested by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE)) develop new resources to improve student outcomes under state priorities, or other areas of identified need, among other supports. GeoLeads also connect COEs and local educational agencies (LEAs) to the other initiatives within California’s System of Support.
Leadership Institute
The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) launched the Leadership Institute (Institute) for rural leaders to meet the professional growth needs of Superintendents and aspiring Superintendents, and support improvement of educational systems and student outcomes throughout California.
One System Collective
The One System Collective, coordinated by the CCEE, brings together a collective group of state agency leaders to share and learn from each other, discuss best practices, research, and initiatives, that aim to improve outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities, in the State of California.
We aim to provide a full range of administrative and financial services, including fiscal oversight, contract management, invoicing, and addressing urgent issues to improve CCEE business operations. We coordinate comprehensive operational assistance in cooperation with Marin County Office of Education as our Administrative Agent, ensuring efficient communication between CCEE partners to support and provide resources to students in California.
Special Education Resource Leads
In partnership with the California Department of Education (CDE), the CCEE facilitates the work of the Special Education Resource Leads which work collaboratively within the System of Support to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. The Special Education Resource Leads work as capacity builders, connectors, and facilitators to ensure an integrated educational system in California meets the needs of all learners, including students with disabilities.
Universal PreKindergarten (UPK)
CCEE aims to help LEAs integrate UPK and support their needs by fostering partnerships, working with community partners, providing universal supports related to braided and blending of funding, and sharing resources.