One System Collective


The One System Collective brings a collective group of state agency, county office of education, district, and SELPA leaders together to coordinate, integrate, and provide equity in access to the Statewide System of Support (SSOS) initiatives, increasing LEA accessibility of resources and supports to improve student outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities.

The Basic Levers assessment, or “The Basics” was one of the first resources developed by this group, and is widely used to serve students with disabilities. In the 2023-2024 school year, the One System Collective helped launch two major tools for the field, including the Statewide System of Support Resource Hub and the Levers for System Change tool. The CCEE SSOS Resource Hub is a one-stop shop for universal resources that hosts information from over 30 statewide projects, grants, and initiatives, and 130+ universal resources catered to benefit districts, county offices, and charter schools. The Levers for System Change tool was inspired by the BASICS and is a useful self-assessment framework for LEAs serving both general and special education students.

“The charge for the One System Collective is to focus on both public policy and implementation practices to facilitate improved outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities. This will be done through identifying, documenting, organizing successful approaches, contributing new perspectives, communicating, and disseminating existing assets and best practices to LEAs.  To that end, a significant priority is to integrate and coordinate various state initiatives for LEAs, including COEs and educational partners. The One System Collective is further designed to serve as a key partner within the Statewide System of Support and to facilitate implementation of improvement plans within LEAs statewide.”   

Leadership Team

  • Mindy Fattig, Senior Advisor, CCEE
  • Jasmine Hennessy, Program Specialist, CCEE
  • Vicki Barber, Consultant, CCEE
  • Lisa Gilbert, Deputy Superintendent, Kern County Superintendent of Schools

Executive Advisory Committee

  • Lucas Anderson, Executive Director, Prevention Supports and Services, Placer COE
  • Melissa Bazanos Hutton, Ed.D, Executive Director, Educational Services, Riverside COE
  • Tamara Clay, Executive Director, Special Services/SELPA, El Dorado COE
  • Mary Ann Dewan, Ph.D, County Superintendent of Schools, Santa Clara COE
  • Lucy Edwards, Ed.D, Assistant Superintendent, Napa COE
  • Rachel Heenan, Ed.D, Special Education Director, California Department of Education
  • Julie Montali, Ph.D,Executive Director, Early Learning, Sacramento COE 
  • Kevin Schaefer, Director of Equity and Inclusion Practices for the Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Project, El Dorado COE
  • Anissa Sonnenburg, Educational Administrator, System of Support Office, California Department of Education
  • Troy Tickle, Assistant Superintendent, Placer County SELPA
  • David Toston, Senior Advisor, CCEE
  • Kristin Wright, Executive Director of Equity, Diversity, Early Intervention, and Support Services, Sacramento COE

If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Fattig, Senior Advisor at [email protected].