Innovation, Instruction, & Impact
Our Objectives
Areas of
Professional Learning Resources
We develop, curate, and deliver synchronous and asynchronous digital professional learning opportunities (e.g., learning paths, webinars, Friday 5, white papers, etc.) to support educators with authentic problems of practice.
Data Research Learning Network
The Data Research Learning Network (DRLN) brings together select districts and counties from across the state of California to innovate their data systems for accelerated student learning. Through a three-pronged approach, districts and counties transform their data program and practices by conducting a Data Equity Review, promoting Deeper Learning through formative assessment practices, and communicating success with Data Dashboards.
Data Literacy & Leadership Academy
CCEE, in partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education, is launching the Data Literacy & Leadership Academy (DLLA) in Fall 2024. This Academy offers tailored courses for data analysts new to K-12 education and emerging data leaders aiming to drive instructional change.
LEA Spotlights
We identify and share emerging best practices, strategies, and instructional models from local educational agencies (LEAs) across the state. While these practices may not yet have resulted in long-term student outcomes, they offer opportunities to showcase systemic practices and decision-making that can be shared.
Program and Policy Updates and Evaluations
We convene statewide evaluators to present interim program data collection and analyses, as well as final reporting requirements that will inform policy changes, capacity building, and engagement networks that impact the statewide infrastructure for professional learning.
Support for Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
We improve access and coherence of supports for schools and districts to implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In partnership with the California UDL Coalition and others, CCEE is developing a digital tool to support district administrators/teams in the implementation of UDL by providing a basic work plan paired with California organizations and resources that can support that work.
21st Century California School Leadership Academy
The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA) is a statewide professional learning initiative for administrators and other school leaders. The CCEE and California Department of Education are responsible for establishing a process to organize and offer professional learning opportunities, and select providers.
Research-Practice Partnerships
We partner with local educational agencies (LEAs) to facilitate research and evaluation to support locally defined short-cycle projects aimed at supporting student outcomes. Through our partnership with the California African-American Association of Superintendents and Administrators (CAAASA), we are working with five LEAs to continue their work to support Black student achievement through their LEA-specific problem of practice, and focusing on progress monitoring activities to support the measurement of student outcomes in the coming year.
Playbook for Accelerating Learning
We support instructional teams plan for, implement, and refine their strategies to ensure student success in schools. By making resources available in a concise and actionable format, CCEE hopes to help instructional leaders in California shorten the time it takes to create effective accelerated learning systems and help all students, including our English learners, students with disabilities, and other historically marginalized students, reach the outcomes they deserve.
Microlearning Modules
We partner with instructional leaders across the state to create accessible learning resources focused on immediately usable classroom strategies for substitute teachers, paraeducators, and non-traditional instructional staff.