NCCSE Parent Academy
The North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) acknowledges the vital role of involving parents and educators in supporting students' educational journeys. Helping parents understand the IEP, their role, and the importance of communication and teamwork is key to fostering engagement.
Support, Integrate, and Align TK: Module 3
GUIDING QUESTION: How can principals and district leaders effectively support, integrate and align TK within school sites and systems?
Executive Functions-Project ARISE
Any educator engaging in the Project ARISE online courses […]
CPIN: Conversation Series: The Powerful Role Of Play In Education 3- Part Series
This three-part, virtual series will provide participants with opportunities to engage in discussions and collaborate with other early learning and care professionals to analyze and explore research on how play is an integral part of a child’s everyday learning. Through conversations built around the CDE publication The Powerful Role of Play in Early Education, participants will explore and discuss the attributes of play, how children benefit from play, and how they as educators can support children in their play.
CCEE Update to Fresno Compact
CCEE Executive Director Matt Navo will be providing an […]
Keys to Successful IEPs
This informative session covers the basics: what, where, when, and how of IEPs and the SEIS IEP Program. We will explain best practices and requirements for timelines, IEPs, and ITPs. We will go over how to use the SEIS IEP Program for IEPs, DRDPs, go over the forms available in the program, goal libraries, and how to access student information for your caseload. Time will be allotted for participants to practice using the computerized IEP program with one of their current IEPs.
CCEE Update at Region One County Office of Education Convening
Dr. Amie Carter and the Sonoma County Office of […]
Progress Monitoring: Choose the Right Tool- Project Arise Workshop Series
Explore what progress monitoring really means and how to […]
ELO-P Network
The ELO-P Network is a monthly session for District/Charter leadership to deepen their understanding of expanded learning programming and Education Code requirements, share resources and promising practices, and engage in communal learning. The ELO-P Network is facilitated by the System of Support for Expanded Learning at the San Diego County Office of Education.