Teacher Induction Exit Interview

Exit Interviews are granted when it is determined that a candidate has completed all aspects of the Induction program. At the Exit Interview, candidates will: receive their recommendation for the California Clear Credential and the instructions for payment and processing online; have the opportunity to provide feedback to the program via structured oral questions presented to the group. Prior to the start of the Exit Interview, please make sure you have done the following:completed and submitted your responses to the End of Year Feedback form via Google Forms; completed and emailed the Exit Interview Program Reflection to [email protected]; and completed and emailed your credential application to [email protected]


Cost: 25Audience: Anyone age 16 and older can learn […]

CalSAAS Workshop

SCOE Credentials is hosting an in-person CA Statewide Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS) workshop for Sonoma county public school districts and charter schools. Human Resources and CALPADS staff are encouraged to attend.

Liberatory Design Lab – Take it Up!

Gain a foundational understanding of the Liberatory Design Process and Liberatory Design Mindsets and identify how they might be used in your work, Identify a starting place for your design work and approaches to understand the complex system you want to change. Apply the liberatory design process and mindsets to deepen your understanding of the challenge in your system and take multiple new actions to learn more and make progress toward your vision.

DRDP (2015) Planning with Data

Cost: NAAudience: Teaching/Administrator/Leadership StaffRegistation: San Diego County Office of […]

Teacher Induction Exit Interview

Exit Interviews are granted when it is determined that a candidate has completed all aspects of the Induction program. At the Exit Interview, candidates will: receive their recommendation for the California Clear Credential and the instructions for payment and processing online; have the opportunity to provide feedback to the program via structured oral questions presented to the group. Prior to the start of the Exit Interview, please make sure you have done the following:completed and submitted your responses to the End of Year Feedback form via Google Forms; completed and emailed the Exit Interview Program Reflection to [email protected]; and completed and emailed your credential application to [email protected]

Engage Every Family: Five Simple Principles

School and district teams are invited to this day-long professional development opportunity with Dr. Steven Constantino, national expert on equity focused family engagement. Align your team around Dr. Constantino’s logic model for family engagement and put your district on a path to higher and more consistent student achievement. Reflections about implicit bias, equitable learning outcomes, and the role family engagement plays, A deeper dive into the idea of family efficacy, or empowering families to work alongside teachers for improved learning, and A nuanced switch from building to developing relationships, and how trust is at the core of that subtle difference