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NEW! Statewide System of Support Resource Hub
Date: January 31, 2024
In the CCEE’s 2024 priorities, a central emphasis is placed on minimizing obstacles within the Statewide System of Support (SSOS). These obstacles, or ‘friction’, hinder Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) from effectively understanding and accessing the system. The Statewide System of Support is committed to pinpointing and resolving inefficiencies across the state. A notable initiative in this effort is the establishment of the Statewide System of Support Resource Hub. This all-encompassing portal serves as a singular resource, providing in-depth information about state-funded projects, grants, initiatives, and universally accessible resources tailored for educators.
Why This Matters
The structure and clarity of roles within the Statewide System of Support was established in 2018 to ensure that every school district in California, irrespective of location, had access to essential expertise and support. However, throughout the implementation of the system, challenges emerged in forming a cohesive strategy for coordinating and delivering these vital resources, frequently resulting in access being contingent on personal connections rather than equitable distribution.
The CCEE, in partnership with the California Department of Education and the State Board of Education, and in collaboration with various educational partners, has undertaken a significant task to increase the availability and accessibility of crucial resources, grounded in principles of equity and local control. The CCEE’s innovative approach has broken down previous barriers, offering equal access to information and resources. The Resource Hub supports County Offices of Education, districts, charter schools, Special Education Local Plan Areas, and other educational partners in accessing relevant services and support to improving student outcomes, adopting best practices, and developing improvement plans statewide.
What to Expect
The Resource Hub currently features an impressive array of 133 universal resources from 34 state initiatives, covering areas from Shasta County to San Diego. This is only the beginning. The hub is poised for significant expansion as we invite more submissions of intensive and targeted resources. We extend our deepest gratitude to the members of the One System Collective and all contributors to the Resource Hub for making this dream a reality.
Stay engaged as we continue to transform California’s educational landscape, ensuring every student has the chance to thrive, no matter their location. Welcome to a new era of educational equity and excellence!
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can educators access the Statewide System of Support Resource Hub, and is there any training available to navigate its features effectively? Educators can access the Statewide System of Support Resource Hub through the official website provided by the CCEE.
- What specific types of resources and support are available through the Resource Hub, and how are they categorized or organized within the portal? The Resource Hub offers a wide range of resources, including but not limited to, curriculum guides, professional development tools, funding opportunities, and best practice case studies. These resources are organized in a user-friendly manner, often categorized by subject area, educational level, or type of support offered. The hub is designed to facilitate easy searching and access to materials that can aid in improving teaching methods and student learning outcomes.
- What are the criteria for submitting resources to the Resource Hub, and how can educators contribute to its growth and development? The criteria for submitting resources to the Resource Hub may include relevance to California’s educational priorities, evidence of effectiveness, and alignment with the principles of equity and local control. Educators and organizations wishing to contribute can likely submit their resources for review through a formal process outlined on the hub’s website. This process ensures that the materials are of high quality and beneficial to the wider educational community in California.