Dr. Matthew Roberts
Senior Advisor of Teaching, Learning, and Leading
Areas of Focus:
Direct Technical Assistance
Reports and Updates
Reports and Updates
Dr. Matthew Roberts serves as a Senior Advisor – Teaching, Learning and Leading Center for the CCEE. In this role, Dr. Roberts primarily assists with transformational instructional and systemic change in three Districts: Sacramento City USD, Vallejo City USD and Mt. Diablo USD. Developing relationships with relevant County and State partners helps to align support, and to keep focus around District priorities and within the LCAP. Promoting stability in leadership leads to improved and sustained student outcomes.
Additionally, Dr. Roberts works with State Literacy Initiatives such as the California Dyslexia Initiative working to assist in early identification. This initiative is among several involving literacy across the state.
Dr. Roberts has over 27 years in State Leadership, District Superintendency, School-site Leadership and Teacher experience, and has extensive experience in the continuum of educational programs and services that districts and schools offer from TK-14 into career education, special education, independent study, and other special programs.
Dr. Roberts obtained his doctorate in Education Foundations and Leadership from University of the Pacific while studying small school development and community influence in Oakland. He also completed graduate work at the Center for Innovation for Urban Education at Northeastern University in Boston, MA.
Additionally, Dr. Roberts works with State Literacy Initiatives such as the California Dyslexia Initiative working to assist in early identification. This initiative is among several involving literacy across the state.
Dr. Roberts has over 27 years in State Leadership, District Superintendency, School-site Leadership and Teacher experience, and has extensive experience in the continuum of educational programs and services that districts and schools offer from TK-14 into career education, special education, independent study, and other special programs.
Dr. Roberts obtained his doctorate in Education Foundations and Leadership from University of the Pacific while studying small school development and community influence in Oakland. He also completed graduate work at the Center for Innovation for Urban Education at Northeastern University in Boston, MA.