Stacey Wedin
Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning, and Leading
Areas of Focus:
Learning Acceleration System Grant
Stacey Wedin serves as Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning, & Leading for the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence providing technical assistance and support in developing a statewide professional learning infrastructure focused on evidence based accelerated learning strategies. In this role, Wedin will assist with designing and implementing systems that provide coherence across the accelerated learning grants, Direct Technical Assistance cycles, and other professional learning efforts led by the CCEE.
Wedin brings extensive knowledge of and experience with California’s educational system. Prior to joining the CCEE, Wedin served as the Administrator of the Equity Branch of the California Department of Education (CDE), supporting Divisions and teams implementing programs to improve equitable outcomes for students across the state. Wedin has worked in educational policy and state level program administration for fifteen years with direct experience assisting local educational agencies with implementing statewide school transformation, special education, and equity initiatives. This experience includes assisting local educational agencies to build an infrastructure of integrated supports in schools, including meaningful access to health and behavioral health services and social-emotional learning, leveraging resources available through the state system of support, and identifying strategies to deliver high quality instruction in inclusive settings.
Wedin also worked in CDE’s Special Education Division for ten years and served as the Administrator over the Statewide Policy and Implementation team, advising on complex statewide special education policy matters related to serving students with disabilities in California. This includes prior experience as coordinator of California’s State Systemic Improvement Plan for special education and helping to lead major interagency collaboration initiatives, such as the Senate Bill 75 (2019) Medi-Cal for Students workgroup. Wedin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California at Davis in 2004 and a Master of Arts degree in Social Work from California State University at Stanislaus in 2007. Trained in social work, Wedin brings a whole person lens to her work and has served in various capacities supporting the whole child throughout her career. Her prior work experience includes working in a district supporting homeless youth and families with access to education and providing direct mental health services.
Wedin brings extensive knowledge of and experience with California’s educational system. Prior to joining the CCEE, Wedin served as the Administrator of the Equity Branch of the California Department of Education (CDE), supporting Divisions and teams implementing programs to improve equitable outcomes for students across the state. Wedin has worked in educational policy and state level program administration for fifteen years with direct experience assisting local educational agencies with implementing statewide school transformation, special education, and equity initiatives. This experience includes assisting local educational agencies to build an infrastructure of integrated supports in schools, including meaningful access to health and behavioral health services and social-emotional learning, leveraging resources available through the state system of support, and identifying strategies to deliver high quality instruction in inclusive settings.
Wedin also worked in CDE’s Special Education Division for ten years and served as the Administrator over the Statewide Policy and Implementation team, advising on complex statewide special education policy matters related to serving students with disabilities in California. This includes prior experience as coordinator of California’s State Systemic Improvement Plan for special education and helping to lead major interagency collaboration initiatives, such as the Senate Bill 75 (2019) Medi-Cal for Students workgroup. Wedin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California at Davis in 2004 and a Master of Arts degree in Social Work from California State University at Stanislaus in 2007. Trained in social work, Wedin brings a whole person lens to her work and has served in various capacities supporting the whole child throughout her career. Her prior work experience includes working in a district supporting homeless youth and families with access to education and providing direct mental health services.