About the Statewide System of Support
What is California’s Statewide System of Support?
Welcome to California’s Statewide System of Support, a vital component of the state’s public school accountability system. Established on the foundation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2013, this system revolutionized how California approaches public school accountability. Through the framework of the System of Support, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) in collaboration with the California Department of Education (CDE) and the State Board of Education (SBE), promotes principles of continuous improvement to increase equity and access.
This comprehensive system leverages coordination, collaboration, and integration with various educational entities, including County Offices of Education (COEs), Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), and charter schools. The ultimate goal of the Statewide System of Support is to provide coordinated, needs-based, and differentiated resources and supports to LEAs that lead to improved services for all students evidenced by the closing of opportunity gaps and improved student outcomes.
Lead Agencies, often situated within designated county offices, provide expertise, programs, and resources, to empower local educators to leverage the wide variety of resources and supports at the universal, targeted, and intensive levels, to help meet the needs of their individual LEAs.
Join us in this collective effort to elevate education for all students across California and see below to learn more!
CCEE in collaboration with the SSOS initiatives have created the tools below for COEs and LEAs to use in leading continuous improvement efforts. For access to these tools, please contact your local Geographic Lead Agency to receive your password.
Scan the QR codes or click the links below to learn more about the Statewide System of Support online tools!
CCEE works closely with COEs, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), key influencers, advocacy partners, and nonprofits to develop joint initiatives and coordinate statewide efforts in support of local control and continuous improvement. We promote innovative thinking at the local level and improve decision-making to help close equity and achievement gaps in school communities.
Statewide System of Support Working Group
Starting in February 2022, our Statewide System of Support (SSOS) team at the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE), partnered with our educational partners and colleagues at the California Department of Education (CDE) and State Board of Education (SBE), and began a comprehensive analysis of how the SSOS is meeting the needs of Local Educational Agencies (LEAs).
The cross-agency team formed a SSOS Core Working Group with diverse educators across the state to investigate the SSOS, create findings, and generate recommendations for improved coherence and alignment of statewide resources, supports, and services for California’s students.
We are pleased to share this final report with you and believe that your understanding of the successes and opportunities of the SSOS will further our coordination, collaboration, and integration efforts of all SSOS funded leads charged with statewide impact.
CCEE expands the use of evaluation data and data protocols to measure and communicate the impact of the Statewide System of Support. We use this data to cultivate knowledge, practices, mindsets, and system changes needed to address systemic bias and inequities, shaping a culture of continuous improvement within the System of Support. Click here to learn about the System of Support Evaluation.
Under California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), County Offices of Education, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, and the California Department of Education have specific responsibilities within the Statewide System of Support to assist local educational agencies. Along with staff from the State Board of Education, a series of frequently asked questions were identified to help ensure a consistent and responsive approach to support local educational agencies identified needs. Click here to review Frequently Asked Questions on Differentiated Assistance.
If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Fattig, Senior Advisor, Statewide System of Support, at [email protected].