Extraordinary levels of funding in the 2021-22 state budget require coordinated efforts to build capacity, develop programs, and facilitate communications across various California education systems. CCEE is providing technical assistance to ensure educational leaders have what they need to successfully access funds and implement programs to support all students. Below are a few examples of CCEE’s collaborative support for county offices of education and school districts across the state.
Collaborating with CCEE, Partnership for Children and Youth (PCY) has developed a variety of resources to support school districts as they plan for Summer 2022. Leaders can read about and see best practices for re-engagement, reconnection, and reimagined summer learning from Summer 2021. PCY is also offering a series of webinars to help districts “Make Your Summer Game Plan.” The first Summer Learning Roundtable provided K-12 leaders, educators, and community partners with new technical assistance opportunities, resources, and on-the-spot coaching on pressing challenges to get ready for Summer 2022. Missed it? Click here to access the archived session resources and to register for upcoming workshops!
CCEE is also partnering with Turnaround for Children to offer their Whole Child Design Series. Created using the Whole Child Design Principles, the series of four 2-hour workshops (1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1 from 3:30-5:00pm) includes support to understand and apply strategies to strengthen student engagement, develop positive relationships, and create supportive environments. Representing a mix of curriculum and instruction, student support services, expanded learning providers, school leadership and teaching roles, district teams of 3 to 10 staff are currently being recruited. Learn with experts, access implementation resources, dialogue with colleagues, and receive two hours of technical assistance and consultation for each team. Interested? Email Katie Brackenridge ([email protected]) now to reserve space for your team!
Finally, CCEE is working with the Small School Districts Association (SSDA) to provide targeted technical assistance for the three largest state initiatives—the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program, Universal Transitional Kindergarten, and the California Community Schools Partnership Program. On December 8, 2021, these initiatives were launched with a webinar, Transforming Education in CA: 2021 Budget Act Investments and Opportunities, which included strategies for how to implement and maximize the opportunities and resources for students, families, and communities in small and rural school agencies. Missed it? Click here to access the archived resources!
Roni Jones, Ed.D., Assistant Director, System of Support, CCEE

- Whole Child Design Principles
- Whole Child Design Series – Register Now!
- Make Your Summer Game Plan (webinar series) – Register now!
- Session materials from Summer Learning: How to create a summer of re-engagement, reconnection, and reimagined learning (12/8)
- LEA Summer Learning Needs Assessment
- Summer 2021: How California educators met the moment with re-engagement, reconnection, and reimagined learning (report)
- Summer 2021: A Bright Spot for Students and Educators in California (video)
- Session materials from Transforming Education in CA: 2021 Budget Act Investments and Opportunities (12/8)