Data and Assessment Meetings 2024-26

Data and Assessment Network meetings are held regularly throughout the year for administrators who are responsible for assessment, accountability, and data management. The meetings provide a forum for participants to explore and exchange ideas and share locally created resources. The Data and Assessment Network meetings offer opportunities for LEA staff to network with colleagues, ask questions and get answers to questions about assessment, accountability, data, and more.

Enhancing Quality Programs Through Goal Setting

The System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL) will guide expanded learning staff in an active workshop to focus how their work connects with the six Point of Service Quality Standards. Participants will utilize the Quality Standards framework to create site/group level goals.

NCCSE Parent Academy

The North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) acknowledges the vital role of involving parents and educators in supporting students' educational journeys. Helping parents understand the IEP, their role, and the importance of communication and teamwork is key to fostering engagement.

Translators & Interpreters Alliance (TIA) Network

The Translators and Interpreters Alliance (TIA) Network, a collaborative initiative between the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and our local education agencies (LEAs), is actively serving as a learning community focused on advancing knowledge in translation and interpretation.

Growing Outdoor Instruction for SoCal Environmental Educators

Join us to learn new strategies and refresh your outdoor instruction skills! This four session professional learning series will focus on supporting student observations, developing questioning strategies, and increasing student engagement through discourse.

MEGA Network Professional Learning Session #1

The MEGA Network Professional Learning Sessions will focus on providing our multilingual/English learner district and charter school program administrators and staff opportunities to deepen their implementation of the English Learner Roadmap Policy that leaves a lasting impact on your educators.

CPI Training- Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training

Anyone who may come in contact with difficult student behavior can benefit from this training. From a raised voice to a physical assault, all levels of intervention are addressed. The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training program keeps school staff prepared for everyday challenges and serious emergencies.

Charter School Instructional Leader Meeting

These virtual meetings are designed to bring together charter school instructional leaders across San Diego County on a quarterly basis. In these meetings, we strive to bring you relevant information, timely updates, as well as provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and learn best practices from other charter instructional leaders across our county. Charter schools are encouraged to have their leadership and instructional staff attend.

NCCSE Parent Academy

The North Coastal Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) acknowledges the vital role of involving parents and educators in supporting students' educational journeys. Helping parents understand the IEP, their role, and the importance of communication and teamwork is key to fostering engagement.

CPIN: Conversation Series: The Powerful Role Of Play In Education 3- Part Series

This three-part, virtual series will provide participants with opportunities to engage in discussions and collaborate with other early learning and care professionals to analyze and explore research on how play is an integral part of a child’s everyday learning. Through conversations built around the CDE publication The Powerful Role of Play in Early Education, participants will explore and discuss the attributes of play, how children benefit from play, and how they as educators can support children in their play.