As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education, it’s crucial that Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) not only recognize their strengths but also pinpoint areas ripe for improvement. The Levers for System Change online self-assessment tool is your gateway to achieving just that. This innovative tool dives into six foundational components of your educational infrastructure, highlighting both accomplishments and opportunities for growth.
Understanding where you stand is the first step towards impactful system improvement. The tool provides a clear pathway for LEA teams to identify and prioritize improvement efforts effectively, ensuring every student benefits from enhanced educational practices.
Don’t miss the chance to deepen your understanding and proficiency with the Levers for System Change tool. Join us for an exclusive online training session on November 7 at 2 PM. Facilitated by Lisa Gilbert, Deputy Superintendent Kern County Superintendent of Schools, this session is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to guide your LEA through its improvement journey with confidence.
If you can’t join us on November 7, CCEE is here to support you. Reach out to Mindy Fattig, Senior Advisor, at [email protected] to learn more about the Levers for Systems Change tool and how to use it today! If you have any questions about CCEE, please visit our website. Stay tuned for more literacy coordination efforts and resources, through our events calendar and the Statewide System of Support Resource Hub.