Impact Initiatives: Social-Emotional Learning
From October 2021 through June 2022, in collaboration with the California Department of Education (CDE), the Sacramento County Office of Education, and the Santa Clara County Office of Education, the CCEE convened an impact advisory team consisting of partners from across California in the education and health sectors (including county offices of education [COEs], state entities, and research and technical assistance organizations) who have involvement and expertise in the state’s social-emotional learning (SEL) and whole-person programs. Working with these partners, the CCEE explored two guiding questions:
- How is the unprecedented state and federal funding being deployed to address the social, emotional, and mental health and well-being of California’s young people?
- How are the success and progress of these initiatives/programs being measured and understood among local educational agencies (LEAs)?
The CCEE’s impact advisory team convenings have created important opportunities for leaders across the education, health, and other sectors to collaborate and learn about important issues on social-emotional learning (SEL) and well-being impacting the field. More specifically, participants have had an opportunity to…
communicate with one another about their work, finding points of connection and illuminating effective practices that can be replicated across the state;
explore the possibility of creating a collective approach to measuring impact for well-being programs, allowing for greater alignment and coherence in how we serve the needs of California’s young people; and
recommend a path forward for local educational agencies (LEAs) to measure well-being that could also inform approaches to measuring well-being in California.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Magyar, Executive Advisor at [email protected].