What is a Davey?
David defeated the giant Goliath with a big idea and a little rock – the sort of thing small organizations do each year. The annual International Davey Awards honors the achievements of the “Creative Davids” who derive their strength from big ideas, rather than huge budgets.
The Davey is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier Who’s Who communications professionals from a variety of firms such as Condé Nast, Disney, GE, Microsoft, and Yahoo! to name a few.
17th Annual Davey Awards
CCEE was awarded a Silver Davey for its #ComeBackCASchools microsite designed to spotlight LEA’s collaborative approaches in getting Californians back to school. The site focuses on sharing tools, resources and practices to leverage partnerships and facilitate dialogue among LEAs to support each other during the pandemic.

It created a sense of community through its spotlight summaries about the innovations and insights from the field, and for that, was awarded a Silver Davey.
CCEE is grateful for the partnership with Full Capacity Marketing (FCM) for developing the concept, tools, and resources to support LEAs with the safe return to schools.
Davey Awards are global awards for small firms that get great results. Click here to learn more about the Davey Awards.