What does it take to improve the quality of mathematics instruction on a large scale? Merced COE has addressed this question by creating a Comprehensive Improvement Plan weaving together five key components: ambitious instruction, job-embedded coaching, PLC support, building capacity of leaders, and improvement science. Their mathematical philosophy embeds a whole child approach, considering and prioritizing the full scope of child development – social, emotional, cognitive and academic, as well as physical and mental health. This approach understands that in order to reach their full potential, students need access to safe and welcoming learning environments and rich learning experiences. This webinar is targeted towards county office of education staff who aspire to improve mathematics instruction in their counties or regions.


Laura Andrews, Director of Continuous Improvement, Merced COE

Duane Habecker, Mathematics Senior Coordinator, Merced COE




Merced COE’s YouTube Channel

Merced COE – 2022 Annual Education Report: