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Board, Other, Parent, Site Administrator / Instructional Coach, Systems Leadership
Family and Community Engagement, Special Education
News & Events, Reports & Publications
Board, Other, Parent, Site Administrator / Instructional Coach, Systems Leadership
Family and Community Engagement, Special Education
News & Events, Reports & Publications
Board, Other, Parent, Site Administrator / Instructional Coach, Systems Leadership
Family and Community Engagement, Special Education
LAST UPDATED: 02/28/22
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including in some cases extended periods of remote instruction, has contributed to lost instructional time for California students. Section 152 of the 2021-22 Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (Assembly Bill 130) appropriates funding to the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) to administer, in partnership with one or more county offices of education, “…evidenced-based professional education for educators that can support learning acceleration, particularly in mathematics, literacy, and language development.”
CCEE is seeking submissions of professional learning opportunities and materials related to evidence-based learning acceleration strategies in mathematics, literacy, and language development. These professional learning opportunities will be part of building out a robust statewide infrastructure to ensure educators anywhere in the state, including those in remote areas, have access to high quality professional learning opportunities. The professional learning system created through this RFP will be aligned to the MTSS Framework for inclusive academic instruction.
CCEE is seeking proposals that address universal instruction, supplemental support, and intensified support in literacy, language development, and/or mathematics in a multi-tiered system of support. For the purpose of this RFP, accelerated learning strategies are those designed to meet students where they are in their learning and use evidence-based approaches to enable students to make strong and rapid progress in their mastery of knowledge and skills. These strategies may include individual, small group, or whole class instruction using well grounded methods with scaffolding and differentiation that meet students’ specific learning needs. (AB 130, Sec. 152, 3(g))
Proposals due: Friday, January 28, 2022 at 4:00pm
CCEE must receive an electronic letter requesting reconsideration, no later than 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) on March 12, 2022. Only the lead Respondent may electronically submit a Request for Reconsideration, via the link below. Requests for Reconsideration submitted via means other than the electronic link will not be accepted.
Requests for Reconsideration shall be limited to the grounds that the CCEE failed to correctly apply the standards for reviewing the Proposal as specified in this RFP. The Respondent must file a full and complete written Request for Reconsideration, including the issue(s) in dispute, the basis for the request, and the remedy sought. CCEE will not consider incomplete or late Requests for Reconsideration. The Respondent may not supply any new information that was not originally contained in the original Proposal. A final decision will be provided in writing within 10 business days from the date the Request for Reconsideration is due to CCEE for this specific RFP. The decision of the CCEE is final and will not be subject to further review or appeals.SUBMIT REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION FORM
CCEE, in collaboration with the State Board of Education and Marin County Office of Education, hosted a statewide webinar on September 10, 2021 to provide an overview on the learning acceleration grants, the application process, and the grant award specifications.
On December 20, 2021, CCEE provided an overview of the Learning Acceleration Systems Grant, the RFP process and timeline, and frequently asked questions.
This month’s newsletter is brought to you by our Teaching, Learning, and Leading Center and some of the LEAs they work with. It highlights one of the unique pathways that Monterey County Office of Education is taking to inspire students to dream big. Solano County Office of Education and Vallejo City Unified School District take readers on their journey in Improvement Science. The newsletter also contains resources honoring Black History Month.
What is a Davey?
David defeated the giant Goliath with a big idea and a little rock – the sort of thing small organizations do each year. The annual International Davey Awards honors the achievements of the “Creative Davids” who derive their strength from big ideas, rather than huge budgets.
The Davey is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier Who’s Who communications professionals from a variety of firms such as Condé Nast, Disney, GE, Microsoft, and Yahoo! to name a few.
17th Annual Davey Awards
CCEE was awarded a Silver Davey for its #ComeBackCASchools microsite designed to spotlight LEA’s collaborative approaches in getting Californians back to school. The site focuses on sharing tools, resources and practices to leverage partnerships and facilitate dialogue among LEAs to support each other during the pandemic.
It created a sense of community through its spotlight summaries about the innovations and insights from the field, and for that, was awarded a Silver Davey.
CCEE is grateful for the partnership with Full Capacity Marketing (FCM) for developing the concept, tools, and resources to support LEAs with the safe return to schools.
Davey Awards are global awards for small firms that get great results. Click here to learn more about the Davey Awards.