Many districts are guiding the way forward for their schools and students by leaning into business intelligence tools and leveraging their standalone legacy information systems to develop integrated data dashboards that provide administrators and teachers with accessible and actionable data at their fingertips to enhance student instruction and tiered supports.
In 2023, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence launched the Data Research Learning Network to support local education agencies in innovating their data and assessment practices by focusing on developing deeper capacity around data analyses, data practices, and data dashboards to support student outcomes. In this session, two districts participating in the DRLN – Sanger Unified School District and San Ramon Valley Unified School District – will share their work on emerging best practices on data dashboards. They will discuss their experiences developing customizable assessment dashboards to move their districts beyond generic reports and spreadsheets, and more importantly, the strategies that they have developed to build capacity around data literacy so district administrators, site leadership, and classroom teachers can utilize real-time comprehensive data to guide instruction and interventions.
During this session, Sanger Unified School District (SUSD) will share their development of a comprehensive, consistent, and cohesive data system that allows for multiple levels to take action for student success. At each school site, teachers will use these data dashboards to make instructional decisions to support students and help them accelerate learning, and support staff and school sites will be able to more closely monitor progress and make shifts in practices to ensure that all students are receiving the appropriate interventions based on their unique academic needs. To accomplish this, SUSD is supporting data literacy by revamping its Principal Summits to focus on actionable data and metrics that support the creation of a Summit Success Plan. In addition, a District Data Team will use a Data Chat Protocol to engage with site leadership and grade-level teams in formal Site Data Chats. Ultimately, the goal of these efforts is to build district and site leadership capacity to access and analyze data, and build teacher and site support staff capacity to improve instruction and support mastery of grade-level standards.
Also in this session, San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) will share their development of a new customizable data visualization platform for disaggregating data in highly flexible, efficient and varied ways. These data dashboards yield profile data that can quickly be used to track performance, monitor interventions, and clearly delineate desired achievement outcomes with features including customizable data walls, real-time filtering, and a process for documenting intervention progress. To support data literacy, a tailored professional development series and data coaching tool is designed specifically to meet the needs for four employee groups: district administration, site administration, liaisons, and teacher data leads. Feedback loops and survey data are collected at every professional development session to customize and streamline data processes and analyses. In addition, SRVUSD is developing a data handbook that includes professional development materials and resources, such as data coaching tools and formative assessment feedback. Ultimately, the goal of these efforts is to support the formation of site-based intervention groups to increase the use of data to identify students into Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III intervention groups, to provide targeted assistance, and achieve a high exit rate through a push-in and pull-out model.
In addition to the two district presentations, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) will share emerging best practices developed with LEAs participating in the Data Research Learning Network (DRLN) for measuring the impact of data dashboards by utilizing user engagement statistics, web analytics, and progress monitoring. As part of the DRLN, LEAs have created action plans to explicitly link their innovative data and assessment project to student impact through the development of specific project goals and strategies, aligned with the development of baseline, mid-year, and end-of-year outcome measures. To support participating LEAs with the developing action plans, the CCEE will share an interactive workshop designed to disseminate best practices. Measuring user statistics will vary by district depending on the purpose and objectives of each unique data dashboard, but common measures of web traffic, different techniques to measure website utilization, and potential data analyses will be discussed.
Learning Outcomes
Participants in this session will be able to:
- describe the process and characteristics of developing and implementing comprehensive integrated assessment data dashboards for decision-making on student instruction, intervention, and tiered supports.
- identify various types and methods of web analytics that can be used to track the engagement and impact of data dashboards.
- apply data literacy strategies to promote data engagement and decision-making at the district-, school-, and classroom levels.
A variety of strategies will be employed to enhance engagement for session participants. Leaning on principles of Universal Design for Learning, the proposed 60-minute breakout session will be organized in a roundtable format for deep and meaningful discussions and interactions. The session will start with a Mentimeter survey to build community and allow attendees to share their background, familiarity, and experience with data dashboards. During the roundtable discussion, each presenter will utilize the presentation screen to share presentation slides, provide a demonstration of their data dashboards, and display the data literacy resources that they have created. During their presentation, participants will be directed to a mobile Padlet website that they can use to share their comments, and questions. Padlet feedback will be used as a starting point for the Q-and-A portion of the session. Finally, a printed handout will be provided to session participants with a summary of the various methods and techniques that they can use at their sites to develop meaningful data dashboards, measure user engagement and web traffic, and enhance data literacy.