SEL and Academic Integration Summer Workshops

This workshop is intended for any PK-12th grade teacher in Sacramento County. Content will be differentiated by grade level and content area as appropriate. School leaders, instructional coaches, counselors, and social workers may attend if space is available, as this workshop is geared towards classroom teachers.

All Systems Go

What is the Intention of this Event? The main […]

Leading Equity-Centered Continuous Improvement through P-3 Assessments: Module 4

GUIDING QUESTION: How can assessments be used to support equitable, high quality UTK and P-3 programs? LEARNING OUTCOME:Leaders can make specific connections between existing assessments and how they can inform equity-centered continuous improvement for systemically marginalized and historically underserved students.

Foundational Literacy Skills for Multilingual-English Learners (TK-3rd)

How can we support the development of foundational literacy skills for our diverse multilingual-English learner students? It is critical to adapt instructional practices to meet the unique needs and characteristics of multilingual-English learners (MLL-ELs). This event will specifically address strategies to intentionally support MLL-EL students with phonological/phonemic awareness and phonics skills while simultaneously fostering the development of both expressive and receptive language.

Moves for Launching A New Year of Student-Centered Coaching Virtual Book Study

Join Us for an Interactive Virtual Book Study Plus an Opportunity to Meet the Author. Whether you are new to a school or have been there a while, the beginning of the year brings forth the opportunity to envision how you will deepen the impact coaching makes on teacher and student learning. We invite individuals and teams of coaches, principals and district leaders to explore strategies and imagine the possibilities within their own context.

Strategies for Elementary Integrated and Designated ELD

How can teachers easily and effectively build language proficiency for their English learner/emergent bilingual students throughout their daily lessons.This interactive three-day in-person summer series provides teachers with a construct and set of strategies that can be effectively integrated into existing lessons and practices.

Project GLAD® Part 1: Research and Theory Foundations

This in-person Project GLAD® Research & Theory Foundations professional learning session takes participants through best first instruction for students and provides the research and theory behind Project GLAD®, language development, the brain, motivation and literacy.

Foundational Literacy Skills for Multilingual-English Learners (TK-3rd)

How can we support the development of foundational literacy skills for our diverse multilingual-English learner students? It is critical to adapt instructional practices to meet the unique needs and characteristics of multilingual-English learners (MLL-ELs). This event will specifically address strategies to intentionally support MLL-EL students with phonological/phonemic awareness and phonics skills while simultaneously fostering the development of both expressive and receptive language.

Culturally Sustaining ELD Collaborative

Utilizing an asset-based approach, this English language development (ELD) collaborative integrates school and community members in local teams to co-design and implement a comprehensive approach to ELD (including integrated and designated ELD) that is culturally sustaining, aligned to content, and responsive to secondary students’ literacy and language learning needs.

Diagnostic Screeners for Foundational Literacy

This professional learning opportunity will cover: foundational elements that need to be assessed and why. implementation and scoring 3 screeners/diagnostic assessment tools (Spelling Inventory, PAST, & a Phonics Survey). analyzing the information you will acquire from administering these assessments. how to use data to inform differentiated instruction.

A Trauma Responsive Approach to Fostering Resilience and Growth Through Play

Play is a crucial tool in supporting children's development and can be particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma. By creating a safe and supportive environment for children to engage in play, we can help them express their feelings and process their experiences in a healthy way. Incorporating play into our educational approach allows us to foster a culture where each child can thrive.

Moves for Launching A New Year of Student-Centered Coaching Virtual Book Study

Join Us for an Interactive Virtual Book Study Plus an Opportunity to Meet the Author. Whether you are new to a school or have been there a while, the beginning of the year brings forth the opportunity to envision how you will deepen the impact coaching makes on teacher and student learning. We invite individuals and teams of coaches, principals and district leaders to explore strategies and imagine the possibilities within their own context.

Culturally Sustaining ELD Collaborative

Utilizing an asset-based approach, this English language development (ELD) collaborative integrates school and community members in local teams to co-design and implement a comprehensive approach to ELD (including integrated and designated ELD) that is culturally sustaining, aligned to content, and responsive to secondary students’ literacy and language learning needs.

ELO-P Network

The ELO-P Network is a monthly session for District/Charter leadership to deepen their understanding of expanded learning programming and Education Code requirements, share resources and promising practices, and engage in communal learning. The ELO-P Network is facilitated by the System of Support for Expanded Learning at the San Diego County Office of Education.

Calming Corner PD

Are you interested in creating Calming Corners or Regulation Stations for your students this year? Sign up for our Calming Corners PD training this fall! All educators must attend all three sessions to receive free supplies. Spaces are limited to 40 educators.

Culturally Sustaining ELD Collaborative

Utilizing an asset-based approach, this English language development (ELD) collaborative integrates school and community members in local teams to co-design and implement a comprehensive approach to ELD (including integrated and designated ELD) that is culturally sustaining, aligned to content, and responsive to secondary students’ literacy and language learning needs.

Cityspan Professional Development

The San Diego County Office of Education Expanded Learning Programs has expanded its Web-Based Attendance Tracking System. This system allows sites to register students and record daily attendance. The system also collects all the data necessary to comply with the reporting requirements set forth by the California Department of Education.

Moves for Launching A New Year of Student-Centered Coaching Virtual Book Study

Join Us for an Interactive Virtual Book Study Plus an Opportunity to Meet the Author. Whether you are new to a school or have been there a while, the beginning of the year brings forth the opportunity to envision how you will deepen the impact coaching makes on teacher and student learning. We invite individuals and teams of coaches, principals and district leaders to explore strategies and imagine the possibilities within their own context.

ASES 101 Professional Development

The San Diego County Office of Education Expanded Learning Programs Team will be providing information on basic ASES grant requirements, attendance requirements and best practices for auditing preparation.

Community Schools Level 3 Network Meetings

These network meetings are tailored to meet the specific needs of CA community schools grantees that are in the 3rd and 4th years of their implementation grants.

SSC 101

Please join us for a virtual School Site Council (SSC) training designed to be a trainer-of-trainers model. We will provide resources for sites/LEAs to hold SSC meetings and to train their School Site Councils.

Putting the Pieces Together for Success

This comprehensive session is designed to integrate the learning from the previous 7 sessions into a toolkit for effective site leadership. Participants will learn how to seamlessly blend these elements to navigate the multifaceted responsibilities of being a site leader from managing materials, engaging staff, students and community while fostering a positive program culture

MEGA Network Meeting #1

SDCOE MEGA Team will be hosting quarterly network meetings to share latest information from local and state leaders regarding English Learner / Multilingual Learner students, dual language and world language.The meetings will be in person. Please see location for more information.

Data and Assessment Meetings 2024-25

Data and Assessment Network meetings are held regularly throughout the year for administrators who are responsible for assessment, accountability, and data management. The meetings provide a forum for participants to explore and exchange ideas and share locally created resources. The Data and Assessment Network meetings offer opportunities for LEA staff to network with colleagues, ask questions and get answers to questions about assessment, accountability, data, and more.