Statewide FALL Workshop: Reading Instruction and Intervention Grant Program
Mark your calendar for the Project ARISE Fall Workshop […]
Mark your calendar for the Project ARISE Fall Workshop […]
Teacher Induction Mentors
District Administrators, School Psychologists, Special Education Teachers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Special Education Administrators
District Administrators, General Education Teachers, Instructional Aides/Paraprofessionals, School Psychologists, Site Administrators, Special Education Teachers, Special Education Administrators
Office Staff & Administrators for schools, community organizations and businesses
The PCOE State and Federal Programs Network meets monthly following the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. We provide current and accurate information for program directors responsible for oversight of federal categorical programs and state requirements. Meetings include pertinent and timely information on topics related to categorical needs, programs, compliance, and other related items. In addition, the meetings provide an opportunity to meet and share ideas with people who have similar responsibilities within other Local Educational Agencies (LEAs).
Held by our county office of education (COE) partners, this training for new CAASPP coordinators will focus on preparing for summative testing, the Test Operation Management System (TOMS), and coordinator checklist activities. This training for new CAASPP coordinators is held by the Sacramento County Office of Education in partnership with the California Department of Education, El Dorado County Office of Education and Placer County Office of Education. The training will focus on preparing coordinators who have been in their role for less than 12 months for a successful administration of the CAASPP assessments by reviewing upcoming coordinator activities and allowing attendees to ask questions of experienced CAASPP coordinators. Training materials and lunch will be provided. Credit Card Only/ No Refunds/ Registration Transfers Upon Request
Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, and Instructional Aides
Tulare County Visual, Performing, and Media Arts Educators
District Administrators, General Education Teachers, Instructional Aides/Paraprofessionals, School Psychologists, Site Administrators, Special Education Teachers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Special Education Administrators
Presenter: Daniel Silberstein, M.Ed., Diagnostic Center, Northern California (DCN) […]
Start the day with a special practice—learning to give attention to the present moment with curiosity, non-judgement, and kindness. This group utilizes a combination of Mindful Schools Curriculum (, Mindfulness Techniques developed by Christopher Willard PsyD (, Action for Happiness’ Kindness Curriculum, and 10 years of clinical practice supporting individuals with integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Group practice will be led by Meade Williams, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. For more information please email: [email protected]