Mindfulness with Ms. M

Start the day with a special practice—learning to give attention to the present moment with curiosity, non-judgement, and kindness. This group utilizes a combination of Mindful Schools Curriculum (mindfulschools.org), Mindfulness Techniques developed by Christopher Willard PsyD (drchristopherwillard.com), Action for Happiness’ Kindness Curriculum, and 10 years of clinical practice supporting individuals with integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Group practice will be led by Meade Williams, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. For more information please email: [email protected]

Surrogate Parent Training

Parents, Educational Rights Holders, CASA, Foster Parents, Probation Officers, Service Club Members (Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.)

Getting Reading Right Cohort

This monthly cohort will focus on how to support the development of proficient readers and improve reading outcomes for all learners. Participants will engage in content from the Getting Reading Right modules created by the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Evidence-based strategies, tools, and resources will be shared to support both assessment and instruction.

CPI Recertification Training

General Education Teachers, Instructional Aides/Paraprofessionals, School Psychologists, Site Administrators, Special Education Teachers