AAE Updates – Virtually

Cost: NAAudience: Directors/Coordinators/TOSAsRegistation: San Diego County Office of Education […]

Teacher Induction Exit Interview

Exit Interviews are granted when it is determined that a candidate has completed all aspects of the Induction program. At the Exit Interview, candidates will: receive their recommendation for the California Clear Credential and the instructions for payment and processing online; have the opportunity to provide feedback to the program via structured oral questions presented to the group. Prior to the start of the Exit Interview, please make sure you have done the following:completed and submitted your responses to the End of Year Feedback form via Google Forms; completed and emailed the Exit Interview Program Reflection to [email protected]; and completed and emailed your credential application to [email protected]

Father Literacy Project

Father Figures Are Invited - Please join us for the Virtual Father Literacy Project meeting for the project is being held virtually via zoom and will be presented by Steven Bruce, PCOE Early Childhood Specialist and Daniel Mendoza, Site Supervisor. Father’s (father figures) play a critical role in their child’s early literacy development through reading books with their child, engaging in conversation, and sharing stories. Fathers, please join us from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm as we learn about the importance of early literacy and gain strategies on how to get your child excited about books! These trainings will be held virtually via Zoom and will be presented by Steven Bruce, PCOE | ECE Early Childhood Specialist. All participants will receive free children’s books and early literacy materials to read to their children. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation provided.

6 -12 Administrators Job Alike Breakfast

An open forum of topics chosen by YOU to help you in your work as a school administrator. Whether you’re new to the job or you’re a tried and true veteran, come ready to to share and learn from one another as we build a dynamic network of support.


District Administrators, General Education Teachers, Instructional Aides/Paraprofessionals, School Psychologists, Site Administrators, Special Education Teachers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Special Education Administrators

Practical Early Intervention Strategies That Work (Preschool-Kindergarten)

Who Should Attend: Educators and Therapists serving children in Preschool and Kindergarten: Classroom Teachers, Preschool Staff, Special Education Staff, Speech-Language Pathologists, Social Workers, Instructional Aides, BCBAs and Administrators. Designed Specifically for Educators and Therapists serving children in Preschool and Kindergarten: Classroom Teachers, Preschool Staff, Special Education Staff, Speech / Language Pathologists, Social Workers, Instructional Aides, BCBAs and Administrators. Dozens of highly practical instructional strategies proven to help young students with developmental delays and challenging behaviors. Decrease behavior challenges and effective ways to respond when challenging behaviors occur. Proven and proactive high leverage practices that more effectively support the needs of your Pre-K -Kindergarten students. Models, activities, and video examples of effective practices in action, and an extensive, highly useful digital resource handbook filled with outstanding sample materials, tools and strategies.