TK Learning Foundations
TK Teachers
TK Teachers
his session is for Escape AR users to review Fiscal Year End processes and setup accruals for invoices. The goal of year-end accrual process is to recognize revenues and expenses in the period in which they were incurred.
This RICA Prep Class is based on the RICA content specifications. Participants will review key subject matter, become familiar with the structure and content of the test, and identify which individual areas he or she needs to focus. Participants will work through practice test questions, providing detailed explanations that guide them on how to apply their knowledge to the specific question types they will encounter on the real exam.
Final Network Meeting of the School Year based on your request to plan for next year! These Network meetings are designed for district teams leading Attendance and Engagement work. Each Network meeting builds upon another. Breakfast Social and Networking 8:30-9:00 am Network Meeting 9:00 am -11:30 am
The IMPACT Program is certified to grant the Preliminary and Clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education (CTE) Credential. This meeting is designed for those who have attended an IMPACT information meeting and are now ready to enroll in the CTE credential program
Early Learning: At the Heart of it All is a professional learning event designed to celebrate early learning and care educators, who are the heart of early learning. The event will focus on equity, inclusion, language, social, and emotional learning with an emphasis on quality practices that best meet the needs of our children, families, and the caring adults who work with them.
Newcomers - immigrant students in their first years of US schooling - face distinct academic, administrative, and outside-of-school needs that are frequently unmet by educational systems. This workshop, designed for site and district administrators and EL Directors/Coordinators, provides an overview of theory, research, and best practices in newcomer education. Guidance for site and district administrators focuses on data, program design, placement, socio-emotional supports, and collaboration with community partners to support non-academic needs.
Early Learning: At the Heart of it All is a professional learning event designed to celebrate early learning and care educators, who are the heart of early learning. The event will focus on equity, inclusion, language, social, and emotional learning with an emphasis on quality practices that best meet the needs of our children, families, and the caring adults who work with them.
Held by our county office of education (COE) partners, this training for new ELPAC coordinators will focus on preparing for summative testing, the Test Operation Management System (TOMS), and coordinator checklist activities. This training for new ELPAC coordinators is held by the Sacramento County Office of Education in partnership with the California Department of Education, El Dorado County Office of Education and Placer County Office of Education. The training will focus on preparing coordinators who have been in their role for less than 12 months for a successful administration of the ELPAC assessments by reviewing upcoming coordinator activities and allowing attendees to ask questions of experienced ELPAC coordinators. $50.00 registration fee covers the cost of a binder and food. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Credit Card Only/ No Refunds/ Registration Transfers Upon Request
This assets-oriented two-day series focuses on instructional strategies for Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) at the secondary level. Topics include ELD standards, understanding integration of language development and content knowledge, and learning high-leverage instructional strategies that build comprehension, support active engagement, intentionally build language, and focus on all four domains of language (oracy, listening/comprehension, reading, and writing). The series is based on the EL RISE! Secondary Strand.