EL Rise! Dual Language Elementary Teacher Strand

COJUSD Elementary Teachers; This is a private event and requires an access code to register. This code should have been supplied to you or can be obtained from the event contact.

Understanding and Supporting Child and Adolescent Grief

Often, experienced and developing clinicians find that supporting someone who is grieving can be overwhelming, confusing, and anxiety provoking. This course aims to make assessing, treating, and talking about grief understandable and reduce anxiety about difficult conversations. This course provides a fundamental overview of understanding grief in children and adolescents. Additionally, this course will provide concrete examples of techniques and tools that can be used for individual and group support in school-based settings. Finally, this course aims to support the clinician to feel more competent and comfortable with supporting others in grief and avoiding compassion fatigue.

AERO Quarterly Meeting

Cost: NAAudience: Arts education community members, teaching artists, arts […]

Library Multimedia Network (LMN) Meeting

LMN meetings are a bi-monthly gathering of Tulare & Kings County schools’ library personnel with an emphasis on collaboration, communication, and creativity. These meetings are dedicated to school library development and awareness of current trends in school library practices that help library staff support the faculty & students at their campus.

Academic Interventions: Intensifying Instruction for Struggling Readers and Students with Dyslexia

This course was so popular we are offering it again! Learn explicit multimodal reading interventions for students who have a dyslexic profile. Learn multimodal instructional strategies for students with phonological processing deficits. Learn about instructional supports for students with orthographic processing deficits. Learn technology tools to support reading intervention programs.