Active Learning Made Easy

This event is for Early Quality Matter Participants Only! Session 1-InPerson! Transform “everyday moments” into multi-sensory music experiences designed to inspire a lifelong love of literacy! This 2-hour interactive workshop is designed to help adults reignite imagination, experience play based education, and discover innovative ways to maximize learning outcomes with limited resources.

Stronger Together: Going Beyond the Checkbox

The Placer County Community Advisory Committee (CAC) invites you to a special event for parents of children with disabilities. The day will be filled with special presentations, make'n'take activities, local resource vendors, door prizes, buffet lunch, and more! Discover the strategies for uniting with your school to create a collaborative partnership for your child's success!

Shasta County UTK Administrators Symposium

The Shasta County Office of Education is hosting a Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) Administrator Symposium. Target Audience: Administrators and others in leadership positions supporting Transitional Kindergarten as part of the UPK System. Plan ahead for next school year as TK implementation moves forward! Keynote Speaker: Dr. Julie Nicholson will discuss how school leaders can become effective early learning leaders supporting the power of play, joy, and engagement for their youngest learners. The day will also include observations in an early childhood setting along with discussion on how to develop a play-based, developmentally appropriate TK program.

Elementary Leaders Convening

Cost: NAAudience: Assistant superintendents and directorsRegistation: San Diego County […]

Ethnic Studies Community of Practice

Support districts with information regarding state graduation requirements, model curriculum, and support for implementation, Share updates from state & regional California, Regional Ethnic Studies Collaborative Project (Project CRESC), Identify and collaborate to address varied district needs, Share and learn from each other, Identify expert partners to support work.