The way we provide technology services has changed dramatically since the start of pandemic restrictions, especially for those in rural locations. Providing new forms of WiFi access, mass distribution of devices, increased loads on Help Desk staff, and supporting devices at home are all new challenges. How can you plan for device maintenance—and sanitization—over the summer and fall if distance learning continues? What should you do now in your district to update policies and change processes? We’ll be discussing unique situations and new solutions devised by school districts across the state.
Andrea Bennett – CITE, Ryan Johnson – Rocklin USD, Gretchen Shipley – Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost (F3) Law, David Thurston – San Bernardino CSOS
Resource Type
Media, Professional Learning
Type of Audience
Board, Systems Leadership
Topic Area
Governance, Responsive Teaching & Learning
Distance Learning, Rural Schools/Districts, Technology