Family and Community Engagement Network

You're invited to our monthly meetings dedicated to fostering stronger family and community engagement. At San Diego County Office of Education, we believe in the power of collaboration and meaningful connections within our community.

Culturally Sustaining ELD Collaborative

Utilizing an asset-based approach, this English language development (ELD) collaborative integrates school and community members in local teams to co-design and implement a comprehensive approach to ELD (including integrated and designated ELD) that is culturally sustaining, aligned to content, and responsive to secondary students’ literacy and language learning needs.

Translators & Interpreters Alliance (TIA) Network

The Translators and Interpreters Alliance (TIA) Network, a collaborative initiative between the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and our local education agencies (LEAs), is actively serving as a learning community focused on advancing knowledge in translation and interpretation.

SC R-TAC Community Schools Onboarding 104

Are you new to the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP)? Join the Southern Coast Regional Technical Assistance Center (SC R-TAC) for a CCSPP onboarding learning series designed exclusively for new community school leaders like yourself!

2024-2025 C&I Leaders Network

Learn and network with educators from across San Diego County at our regularly scheduled meetings for lead District Curriculum and Instruction Administrators.

Data and Assessment Meetings 2024-29

Data and Assessment Network meetings are held regularly throughout the year for administrators who are responsible for assessment, accountability, and data management. The meetings provide a forum for participants to explore and exchange ideas and share locally created resources. The Data and Assessment Network meetings offer opportunities for LEA staff to network with colleagues, ask questions and get answers to questions about assessment, accountability, data, and more.

ELO-P Network

The ELO-P Network is a monthly session for District/Charter leadership to deepen their understanding of expanded learning programming and Education Code requirements, share resources and promising practices, and engage in communal learning. The ELO-P Network is facilitated by the System of Support for Expanded Learning at the San Diego County Office of Education.