Cityspan Professional Development

The San Diego County Office of Education Expanded Learning Programs has expanded its Web-Based Attendance Tracking System. This system allows sites to register students and record daily attendance. The system also collects all the data necessary to comply with the reporting requirements set forth by the California Department of Education.

Moves for Launching A New Year of Student-Centered Coaching Virtual Book Study

Join Us for an Interactive Virtual Book Study Plus an Opportunity to Meet the Author. Whether you are new to a school or have been there a while, the beginning of the year brings forth the opportunity to envision how you will deepen the impact coaching makes on teacher and student learning. We invite individuals and teams of coaches, principals and district leaders to explore strategies and imagine the possibilities within their own context.

ASES 101 Professional Development

The San Diego County Office of Education Expanded Learning Programs Team will be providing information on basic ASES grant requirements, attendance requirements and best practices for auditing preparation.

Community Schools Level 3 Network Meetings

These network meetings are tailored to meet the specific needs of CA community schools grantees that are in the 3rd and 4th years of their implementation grants.

SSC 101

Please join us for a virtual School Site Council (SSC) training designed to be a trainer-of-trainers model. We will provide resources for sites/LEAs to hold SSC meetings and to train their School Site Councils.