Ethnic Studies Community of Practice

The El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, and Sacramento County Offices of Education are excited to kick off our regional Ethnic Studies Community of Practice. The purpose of this Community of Practice is to bring together administrators and teachers from high schools in our counties to build their capacity to teach Ethnic Studies. This COP will: 1. Support districts with information regarding state graduation requirements, model curriculum, and support for implementation. 2. Share updates from state & regional California Regional Ethnic Studies Collaborative Project (Project CRESC). 3. Identify and collaborate to address varied district needs. 4. Share and learn from each other. 5. Identify expert partners to support work.

Teacher Induction Exit Interview

Exit Interviews are granted when it is determined that a candidate has completed all aspects of the Induction program. At the Exit Interview, candidates will: receive their recommendation for the California Clear Credential and the instructions for payment and processing online; have the opportunity to provide feedback to the program via structured oral questions presented to the group. Prior to the start of the Exit Interview, please make sure you have done the following:completed and submitted your responses to the End of Year Feedback form via Google Forms; completed and emailed the Exit Interview Program Reflection to [email protected]; and completed and emailed your credential application to [email protected]

Mental Wellness

Cost: NAAudience: Parents/EnglishRegistation: Special Services ( closes 5/11/23

TK Teachers Community of Practice – Science

Please join us for a Community of Practice for TK teachers exploring best practices to support our early learners! Each 90-minute workshop will focus on a specific topic with a presenter and time for collaboration. Shasta County TK Educators can earn up to $1,000 in classroom materials if they attend all five sessions in the Community of Practice. This is a free series, all workshops are held from 3:15 - 4:45pm at the Professional Development Center.

EL Rise! Dual Language Elementary Teacher Strand

COJUSD Elementary Teachers; This is a private event and requires an access code to register. This code should have been supplied to you or can be obtained from the event contact.

Lozano Smith Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

AB 1825 requires that all management staff who supervise employees, receive two hours of Sexual Harassment Prevention training once every two years. New managers must receive this training within six months of assuming their position. This is a private event and requires an access code to register. This code should have been supplied to you or can be obtained from the event contact.

IEP Parent Academy

Cost: NAAudience: Families with children who are currently being […]