Author: Sehrish Anjum
UDL Journey Guide: Updated
The UDL Journey Guide provides support for district leaders and teams through four stages of implementing UDL, with connections to state and national support along the way. This guide has been developed with the help of CAST and is based on CAST’s School Implementation Certification Criteria (UDL-SICC).
As part of this work, we partnered with Texthelp to create informational videos and curated resources along the various “on-ramps” to Universal Design for Learning. These tools can support your learning and become part of your communication toolkit.
If you have any questions please email the Journey Guide team @ [email protected].
FAQs on Eligibility for Assistance under California’s Accountability System
Under California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), County Offices of Education, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, and the California Department of Education have specific responsibilities within the Statewide System of Support to assist local educational agencies. Along with staff from the State Board of Education, a series of frequently asked questions were identified to help ensure a consistent and responsive approach to support local educational agencies identified needs.
Friday 5 – Why UDL Video Series – Part 1
A Reflection by CCEE Executive Director, Matt J. Navo
CCEE Major Impact Projects
As I reflect on the end of my first year with the CCEE, I am reminded of just how much education has been impacted over the last 3 years. How CCEE best supports Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) (inclusive of charter schools) has often been a challenge for our organization given the magnitude of already developed resources, tools, services and supports. However, with the work of integral partners there are three CCEE resources and tools that standout as helpful to LEAs as we execute our role in the Statewide System of Support for advice and assisting LEAs in accomplishing their Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
The Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) website developed with the CEI Agency partners has provided incredible resources to the field for engaging with the community to form authentic relationships between districts and the community.
In the 2022 Legislative Budget Act, CEI was provided with 100 million dollars to leverage the their work for transformational school investments and authentic pupil, family, community, and educator engagement. This includes, but is not limited to, Local Control and Accountability Plans, Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs, and California Community School Partnership Act grants. CEI has a network of over 40 LEAs (including charters) who with the collaboration of Lead Agency Partners, regularly engage one another in identifying effective models of community engagement, developing metrics, having challenging conversations, and building trusting relationships.
Our Innovation, Instruction and Impact (I3) Center developed the Playbook for Accelerated Learning (PAL). This tool was developed in collaboration with State Board and expert partners to provide guidance to LEAs for how to think about and provide professional development to accelerate student learning.
The CCEE also developed the Basic Levers Tool 1.0 (2.0 is in progress now) that will help LEAs think about and design systems for improving outcomes for Students with Disabilities (SWD).
We continue to evolve and expand our resources and tools that LEAs can utilize to help accomplish the goals within their Local Control Accountability Plans. Visit our CCEE website here (